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The Natural Sunlight Lamp


Thank you for your interest in The Natural Sunlight Lamp.

What is it? How does it Work?

  • The Natural Sunlight Lamp works to help satisfy the bodies need for sunlight. This product can be used as an alarm clock, it will wake you gently to gradual brightening light or as a lamp to provide light comparable to outdoors. It works by simulating sunrise to wake you gently with gradual, brightening light. It has a programmable timer that brightens your room in either 15 minutes or 30 minutes. You will not only wake to sunlight, but also the soothing sounds of nature. There are no loud buzzers. You can choose from a mountain stream, ocean waves or morning birds. This lamp can be used in the home just as any other lamp would be used. The only difference is the bulb that is used produces a light level comparable to light outdoors on a spring morning. Light produced from a normal lightbulb in your home is between 200-500 lux. The light produced in your office is usually between 400-700 lux. The light that is produced by the Natural Sunlight Lamp is 10,000 lux. (The word lux is defined as an illumination of light.) The lamp comes with a diffusing filter to make it safe for everyday use. The light is very easy on the eyes.

    Who would use it?

  • The Natural Sunlight Lamp has been proven effective in the treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder. The product is designed to help elevate your mood, increase your energy level and make you feel more productive. During the short, dark days of winter most of us don't really feel ourselves. Research has determined that they way we are feeling is directly related to a lack of natural sunlight. The Natural Sunlight Lamp works to help satisfy the bodies need for sunlight. The lamps use a unique patiented technology to reproduce the effects of high intensity light without discomfort and potential hazard to your eyes.

    About the technology

  • The technology that underlies The Natural Sunlight Lamp is light therapy. Light therapy research is relatively new. It was studied by Dr A J Lewy at the Institute of Mental Health and determined effective in treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Research is continuing. Recently information indicates that light therapy is affective in treatment of other disorders including PMS, Jet Lag, Sleep Disorders, And Eating Disorders. The Natural Sunlight Lamp emits enough light to help people suffering from any of these disorders.

    Why use this Product?

  • As the days get shorter and darker many of us feel depressed. Why not have a product right in your home that will help increase your mood, your energy level and make you feel better during these long months of winter. People living in the Northern states should be particularly interested in this product. Researchers have found that up to 10% of people in this area may suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Living in the Northern part of the country myself I know I feel better on the sunny days rather than the dark ones. According the the April 1 Buffalo Evening News, to date there have only been 22 days since January 1 that have had greater than 50% of sunshine. Again, why not have a product right in your home that can simulate sunlight if you can not get the real thing?

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